Aadi Velli Pooja

The Tamil month of Aadi is the fourth month of the Tamil Calendar and the start of this month is the Dakshinayana punyakalam or the night time of Devas.

Aadi is a month of fervour and observances where prayers and pujas are offered to propitiate the powerful Goddesses and seek their protection from the inauspicious aspects that are often associated with the month. The month of Aadi is considered very auspicious to connect oneself to this Divine power. Hence praying to Ambal on Fridays in the month of Aadi has added significance.

Sabha has the tradition of performing the pooja in members’ houses with the chanting of Lalitha Sahasranama Archana and Lakshmi Astothra Archana in the evening of Aadi Velli. Pooja will commence at 7:30 pm. After Vinayaka Pooja, Lalitha Sahasranama Archana and Lakshmi Ashtothra Archana will be chanted concluding with Deeparadhana and Mantra Pushpam at about 8.45 pm.

Event Details

Event Date Fri, 22-Jul-2022 7:30 pm
Total Slots 3
Registered 0
Available for hosting/sponsoring/registration 3
Individual Price SGD75
Location Members Residence

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