Important Update: Transition to PayNow for Digital Payments

Dear Members,

Starting 1st April 2025, PayNow will be the only mode for all digital payments.
Credit Card payments (Master, Visa, Amex) via the Sabha website will no longer be available.

This change is necessary due to the high credit card transaction fees imposed by the payment providers. To continue offering efficient services without increasing the charges for the members, we have chosen to streamline our payment methods.

Currently, most membership & vadhyar services fees are already collected through online and digital channels. This transition to PayNow will further help Sabha manage transactions efficiently while keeping costs low.
We appreciate your understanding and support in making this transition smooth. If you have any questions, please reach out to the MC via

Thank you for your cooperation. (Sabha MC)



What is Sabha Soochana?

During Sabha’s 72nd AGM held on 22nd March 2020, there was a suggestion by a member to provide updates of Sabha’s events nearer the event date or other matters requiring immediate attention through a WhatsApp service in addition to Sabha Sandesh.

Sabha has been requesting members to opt in for this service through Sabha Sandesh for the last 3 months.

On 17-Sep-2020, the auspicious Mahalaya Amavasya day, Sabha inaugurated the WhatsApp channel “Sabha Soochana“, by sending a prayer sloka to the currently registered members. 


Will Sabha Soochana replace Sandesh?

No. Sabha Soochana will not replace Sandesh. It will be just another medium through which Sabha will keep the members informed of selected important events or share other announcements.


How can I subscribe to Sabha Soochana?

Sabha Soochana is sent via WhatsApp broadcast medium. For members to receive broadcast messages, they have to opt in themselves by updating their membership profile with Sabha. It is also important that they add the Sabha Soochana Telephone Number in their contacts list.

It is a fairly simple procedure as detailed below:

  1. Choose to receive WhatsApp updates: Members will have to login to their membership profile and choose “Yes” for WhatsApp updates. Kindly provide a mobile number with “+” country code (without any spaces) in the cell provided. For example: +6599999999
  1. Add Sabha Soochana Number to your contacts: Members will have to add Sabha Soochana number +65-94567835 to their contacts in their telephone number given as above so that they can receive the updates smoothly.


How do I Unsubscribe?

Members can unsubscribe from this service at any time.

Members will have to log into their profile and select “No” in the subscribe to WhatsApp update column.


When will the Subscribe / Unsubscribe take effect?

We will refresh the Sabha Soochana database once a month. It will be done between 1st and 7th of every month. Subscribe / Unsubscribe will effectively take effect from the 7th of the following month.


Can I give more than one mobile number to receive updates?

No. Right now, there is a provision to link only one number.


Can I change the mobile number to receive updates?

Yes. Members will have to log into their profile and replace the old number with the new mobile number to which updates have to be received. Kindly provide mobile number with “+” country code (without any spaces) in the cell provided. For example: +6599999999


Can I avail of Purohith services or other services of Sabha through Sabha Soochana?

No; kindly understand Sabha Soochana is a one-way communication medium for Sabha to provide event updates, announcements and refreshers. Members will have to contact the Purohiths directly as per existing procedure.


Can I communicate to Sabha like making a query or giving a feedback through Sabha Soochana?

As stated above Sabha Soochana is meant only for Sabha to reach out the members but not vice versa. This service is not regularly monitored and thus responses will not be forthcoming.

Members can continue to communicate with the Sabha through email addressed to