Ati Rudra Maha Yagna 2024

Celebrating 100 years of service of SDBBS

with Prayers for Universal Peace and Well-being

Ati Rudram is the ultimate form of worship of Lord Shiva. 

This powerful worship is being conducted for the singular purpose of enhancing the good of all beings in all the worlds and universal peace and prosperity. By the Grace of Lord Shiva, SDBBS is planning to conduct Ati Rudram from 21 December to 26 December 2024. Ati Rudram 2024 will be the grand finale of the various activities undertaken as a part of the centenary celebrations of the Sabha.We welcome you to join in this holy and spiritual experience.


Om Namah Shivaya!

What is Ati Rudram?


The Sanskrit word “Ati” means “Ultimate.”  Tremendous energy is created through multiple repetitions of chanting Sri Rudram.  This energy created through chanting Sri Rudram is magnified manifold when simultaneously the Rudra Homam and Rudra Abhishekam is performed. The combined action of chanting, performing the Homam and Abhishegam makes Ati Rudram the ultimate form of worship to Lord Shiva.


Sri Rudram is a powerful Vedic hymn taken from the Krishna Yajur Veda, Taittireeya Samhita. It glorifies the attributes of the Supreme Divinity of the Universe, and then requests blessings from the Divine. Sri Rudram consists of two parts, NAMAKAM AND CHAMAKAM.

NAMAKAM: We offer our prostrations to Lord Shiva whose Omnipresence is described in 300 different names; each name based on an attribute of the Lord. As we chant NAMAHA NAMAHA (I prostrate, I prostrate) 300 times, this part of Rudram is called NAMAKAM.

CHAMAKAM: Having satisfied the Lord with our sincere offering of prostrations with 300 different names, the second part of Rudram, guides us to ask all necessities required for our spiritual and material benefits. There are 347 different necessities independently mentioned with cha, cha, cha (and, and, and) in between. Hence this part is called CHAMAKAM.


The energy created through chanting the Sri Rudram is magnified while simultaneously performing two very powerful Vedic rituals: the Rudra Homam and the Rudra Abishekam. One-tenth of the count of chanting is performed as Rudra Homam, during which oblations are made to the Divine in the Sacred Fire.


Lord Shiva is immensely pleased when abhishekam is done with 11 different substances accompanied with the chanting of Namakam. Appeased with the abhishekams, the Lord gets into a state to bless and grant us the necessities (and pardoning us for all of our sins and granting us boons for material and spiritual prosperity) that we pray for by chanting Chamakam.


In all Vaideeha poojas and events, Veda Parayanam is an important activity. Parayanam can be in Samhita, Krama, Jata, Ghana format. It is said that the benefits is higher in Samhita (moola) and Krama Parayanam. In Rudra Krama Archanai, the Namakam  portion of the Rudram is chanted sequentially, with each verse following the previous one. With its sequential chanting, it allows for a detailed and comprehensive recitation of the attributes of the Lord. Each verse is enunciated individually, providing devotees with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich meaning and symbolism of the hymn. The distinction of Rudra Krama Archana is that the vedic verses are themselves recited to perform archana to Lord Shiva

Ati Rudram is a supreme offering to Lord Shiva to ward off all the papas (misdeeds) and brings mangalam to the whole universe.

The Chanting: Counting in Elevens

1 Ekadashini

= 11 Rudrams

= 11 Namakam  , 1 Chamakam

1 Laghu Rudram

1 Maha Rudram

= 11 Ekadashini

= 11 Laghu Rudram

= 121 Namakam, 11 Chamakam

= 1,331 Namakam, 121 Chamakam

1 Ati Rudram

= 11 Maha Rudram

= 14,641 Namakam, 1331 Chamakam

One Ati Rudram involves the chanting of

14,641 Namakam + 1331 Chamakam by  121 vedic scholars

We count on your committed support to make Ati Rudram a successful event for the welfare of every being in the Universe. 


Om Namah Shivaya!

Loka Samasthah: Sukhino Bhavantu!!